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St. Thomas Ladies Group

St. Thomas Ladies Group welcomes ladies of all faiths and none. We meet the first and third Tuesday evenings of each month (excluding August) at 7.15pm for 7.30pm start in the Community Room. We pay £12 per year subscription which covers room hire and speakers’ fees, plus £1 on the night for refreshments and a draw.

During the year we have speakers come to tell us their travels, charities, life stories etc. We try to keep these as varied as possible. We also have quiz nights and craft nights, cake sales, and carols and mince pies at Christmas. We like to include meetings out, Afternoon Tea, fish and chip lunch, and our Christmas lunch out together – these are always popular!

We support various local charities and have stalls at St Thomas’ church fayres. We aim to offer a warm and friendly group to all ladies whilst having some fun and caring for each other.

For more information and this year’s calendar of events, please contact Carole Groom by phoning 01473 464218.