Rhythms of Prayer and Meeting

From our Rule of Life:

‘With the help of God and one another we commit to follow the way of Jesus Christ through the practice of prayer (in listening and in stillness; in silence and aloud; individually and in community; daily and within a weekly rhythm) and the practice of devotion (in meditation; in contemplation; in participating in communal worship; and in the giving of time and resources)’


  • We pray for one another, especially on Tuesdays
  • We meet on the first and third Monday of the month
  • As a community sharing a meal together, dwelling on the Scriptures, celebrating the Eucharist
  • For a prayer meeting open to all who want to join us, dwelling on scripture and offering prayer of intercession
  • The daily office (open to all) is prayed at St Thomas Vicarage on
  • Mondays: 4pm – Evening Prayer
  • Wednesdays: 8.30am – Morning Prayer
  • Thursdays: 4pm – Evening Prayer


Our Community Prayer

Holy Spirit, be present with us.

Guide our hearts and minds,

our praying and searching,

our listening and speaking,

as we long to be part of a community

that is rooted in your love.

May it help us to deepen

our relationship with you

with one another and

with the wider world,

that your will be done

and your kingdom come.
