Photo of Revd. Rachel Revely

The Right Revd Martin Seeley, the Bishop of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich is delighted to announce that the next Priest in Charge of the benefice of St Thomas The Apostle and Martyr, Ipswich will be The Revd Rachel Revely, this is subject to the completion of legal formalities and it is hoped she will be licensed to her new post on Monday 2 August 2021 at 7.30pm.
Rachel is presently Assistant Curate of the Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Lincoln with an extended placement in the Benefice of Branston with Nocton and Potterhanworth in the Lincoln diocese. 
Bishop Martin would like to thank the parish representatives and all those involved in the process of Rachel’s appointment, and he assures you of his prayers. Please pray for Rachel as she prepares for her move.

“Hello everyone, I am thrilled to have been appointed as Priest in Charge of Thomas’ and cannot wait to meet you all in August.
Meanwhile, you might like to know a bit about my background, I grew up in the North East of England, in Newcastle, where I also studied music at university. After graduating, I became a shop assistant then after that a singing teacher and a year 1 recorder teacher (not a job I recommend although it was not quite as bad as my next post of teaching year 3 violin). Whilst teaching music in schools, I was also a community choir leader in Edinburgh where I worked in a respite centre for people with HIV and Hepatitis C. 
Not a Christian from birth, I fell into church rather accidentally through music and found my faith whilst singing in a choir and leading a worship band. Overtime, my sense of vocation and call to ordained ministry started to grow, so I then became a school chaplain and a pastoral assistant for a group of churches in Scunthorpe, a steel industry town in North Lincolnshire. It was a wonderful year where I learnt a lot about church life. Having been accepted for training, I studied for 3 years at Westcott House, Cambridge and was ordained in 2018. For the last three years, I have served as curate at Lincoln Cathedral and then also in my final year in three villages just south of the city. My academic interests include the intersection of popular culture and the church, the study of mission and liberation theologies. 
My hobbies are spending time with friends, playing Dungeons and Dragons, playing board games although I have been banned from monopoly because ‘apparently’ I take it too seriously. I have a hearty interest in drinking tea and an extensive collection of colourful shoes! 
I am looking forward to moving to Ipswich and getting to know you all.”
Revd Rachel Revely

Rev. Jutta is being licensed as an Honorary Canon!

Rev. Jutta will be licensed as a Canon in a livestreamed service at 3.30pm on Sunday 15th November at St. Edmundsbury Cathedral. Everyone is invited to join the service online by watching the livestream on the Cathedral facebook page. The link is below.

Cathedral Canons are traditionally assigned a stall where they sit, and Jutta is being given St Benedict’s stall, which is very fitting due to her work with the Pilgrim Community and creating the Benedictine course.

Congratulations to Rev. Jutta!

Livestream Link

Rev. Jutta Brueck




We have a new newsletter out. If you’ve not yet had a copy, you can download it here: St Thomas Newsletter 11

Fundraising Update

A huge thank you to everyone who supported our Gift Appeal: we have raised an extra £5725 in October, which will be a huge help given we are losing £13,000 because of COVID. We are VERY grateful for your generosity! Please, continue to say the Bishops’ prayer (in red text under the photo of our lovely star) every day! Another huge THANK YOU: Canon Chris raised £287.50 for church funds through the sale of Christmas cards! Thanks all who bought cards from him.

Hymnathon and Carolathon!

On Sunday 6th December at 11am, our Director of Music, Simon, is going to perform a 2 hour marathon of hymns and carols as a fundraiser! Please sponsor this amazing event, which will be livestreamed on our facebook page, and do spread the word to get your friends and family to sponsor Simon!

Sponsor Simon on JustGiving

Christmas Mini Market – Mail Order

Our mini market would’ve been happening this week on the 18th, but lockdown put a stop to the in-person aspect. But where there’s a will, there’s a way, and we’ve decided to make it a mail order market! So you can still get your hands on yummy homemade jams, beautiful handmade cushions and Christmas decorations, and (the highly sought-after!) wooden bowls turned by Bishop Martin! Plus, we’ll be raffling off some lovely food hampers.

Details will be forthcoming with images of what’s available and how things will work, so stay tuned. (And don’t worry if you’re housebound – we can deliver your items to you.)


Loving God,
you are always with us,
and give us all we need to be your church
in Suffolk.
Help us, we pray, to give as we have received:
abundantly, generously, and joyfully,
that our worship and our service
may bear witness to your Kingdom of
unfailing love.
In the name of your Son
who gave himself for us,
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Lockdown #2…

As of Thursday 5th November 2020, the Government has placed England into lockdown to try and prevent the spread of Covid-19. 

For us as a Church, this has meant an end to our in-person services on Wednesdays and Sundays until lockdown is lifted.

We are still opening the Church for individual prayer on Mondays and Thursdays between 11.30am and 1.30pm, and you are more than welcome to come and spend some time in the Church during those periods. Please follow the advice to wear a mask, sanitise your hands and maintain space of 2 metres from others at all times.

The lockdown also sadly means that we are cancelling our planned Outdoor Christmas Mini Market. We were relying on this to raise much needed funds for the Church. Our team are trying to find new ways to fundraise safely, including a way to have the market online, so please watch this space! And if you would like to donate in the meantime, we would be so grateful for your support!

Donate to our Church


A Message from Rev. Jutta

Prayer For The Nation

The Archbishops of Canterbury and York and senior church leaders have called a month of Prayer for the Nation during the second lockdown. The suggestion is that as many of us as possible unite to do this at 6pm each day. These prayers and themes are offered as tools to enable all to participate and are intended simply as suggestions.

This link takes you to a website with daily prayer resources:

Or you can use this booklet:

Prayer for the Nation Booklet


With love and prayers at this challenging time,



Preparing for Christmas

With the prospect of an unusual Advent and Christmas period this year, thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic, preparations are underway at St. Thomas’ to make sure we can still make this a very special time of year for everyone!

The Church of England campaign this year is Comfort and Joy. There’ll be more information on this as we get a bit nearer to the start of Advent.

We have events that we would be so grateful for help with!

Outdoor Christmas Mini Market – Wednesday 18th November 2020, 11am – 1:30pm

What we need: donations of jam/chutney, home-baked cakes (wrapped for safe distribution), and ITEMS FOR HAMPERS. We will be raffling off Christmas hampers of goodies. Please donate good quality food/drink, etc. by 8th Nov.

For more information, speak to Revd. Cat or Alison Gibbs.


Shoebox Crafts

Instead of the Children’s Christmas Craft Workshop we would usually run, this year we will be preparing shoeboxes with craft kits for children to make at home.

What we need: shoeboxes, children’s Christmas wrapping paper, Christmas cards, and volunteers to make the 4-5 crafts to go in the boxes.

To volunteer, donate items or just to find out more, please speak to Emma Knight.


Other Things Coming Up…
Christingle Service on Christmas Eve

What we need: volunteers to pre-make the Christingles, welcomers and sidespeople on Christmas Eve.

To volunteer, speak to Revd. Cat.


We are also planning:

  • Carol Service in Church
  • Candle-lit carols on Zoom
  • Nativity video
  • And more!

For all of this to work, we really need our St. Thomas Family to help us out. If you can donate time, finances, organisational skills, craft material, chocolate, or Christmas cards, it will make the world of difference!

Welcome to the new St. Thomas website! We apologise for the downtime – we had issues with our previous host and couldn’t get it up and running again. Thankfully, we had this one in the works. It’s gone live a little ahead of schedule, so please excuse any “coming soon” pages you might stumble across – they’ll be completed soon!

For now, Revd. Jutta has produced the tenth edition of the St. Thomas Newsletter, downloadable from the button below. It has information on Harvest Festival, our in-person Church services, and the Annual Meeting of St. Thomas’ Church.

Download St. Thomas Newsletter #10 (PDF file)